What would it be like in a world without alcohol? Governments have tried to either stop or restrict the sale and consumption of alcohol. Would we miss it if it went ? How do people survive in countries that apply a dry law today ? Why was coca-cola so popular as a substitute during the US prohbition? Ever wondered why its called coca .....! ?
Whatever the answer to these questions are ( you can find them on the hyperlinks ) we cannot escape the fact that alcohol has a short term gain, long term pain affect on the body. Some studies have shown the benefiits of the odd glass of red wine but unfortunately in the UK the binge culture ( now I am sounding like my age ! - we've all done it ! ) means that some people will unfortunately do untold damage to themselves and may find themselves reliant on drink for the rest of their lives unless they are able to kick their habit.
I looked at Gisele's blog comments on Alcohol - an interesting term used for a drunk 'When somebody is drunk, he is not himself. ' I think women are starting to catch up with us men now on drunken front! - some good links there with some scary statistics.
I love the pic on the Evil entry for drinking . Interesting comment about most road deaths being caused by drink driving , interested to know it made me look up the info and now I know the UK has the lowest road death rate in the EU wow won't I be the life & soul at parties now I know all these interesting govt. stats! - seeing Father Jack brought a smile to my face I love that program. I loooked at your drinking games too - with Eurovision on the Sat 12th May we can all play this game !
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