In John Lennon's song 'Imagine' - he mentions about there being 'no religion' but if we didn't have religion we wouldn't have reason to go out and kill people , I say this tongue in cheek but religion has caused so many wars either in-fighting i.e. christian :protestants vs catholics throughout European history since the 16th century or the current horrific in-fighting going on in Iraq everyday with shia muslims fighting sunni muslims . Or fighting each other over the years Christian s vs Muslims , Muslims vs Jews etc Its all very sad . Surely if we all just listen to the words of the great poet laureat of the 20th century Mr George O'Dowd aka Boy george 'war , war is stupid , and people are stupid...' we could live in peace and harmony? In the lecture we spent a considerable amount of time looking at the Jehova's Witnesses and other 'cults' .To me personally religion is a 'code for life' - the ten commandments make a lot of sense , the teachings of Jesus make alot of sense what I struggle with is the one and only God doctrine if that is so then why are there so many other religions? - who's right? I cannot say that Christianity is right to the detrement of every other religion , I cannot say any other religion is right or wrong but what I can say is - If we all treat each other with respect and dignity and understand our diferences whilst embracing our similarities then we have a chance to live in peace and harmony . amen! ( it did start to sound like i was preaching there! )
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