Difficult to find an appropriate pic to go here! - And not sure what IT services will make of my research! …. ( people lose their jobs for this out there in the ‘real world’ ) slightly embarrassing in this crowded gold fish bowl on the ground floor of the MC building – anyway... here’s a web site to wet your appetite !
During the lecture we were asked alot of questions which it seemed to embarass quite a few of the audience into a shy silence. I guess sex whether its with someone you love ( Woddy Allen's definition of masturbation! ) or with someone else - its a fairly private thing. Apart from those people who are into 'dogging' or swinging etc its generally a private affair and masturbation is the most private of them all . I think given the choice of being caught having having sex with someone else ( except where it may be with someone of the same sex and was until that point was generally an unknown fact i.e George Michael ) or getting caught masturbating most people would rather be caught having sex with someone else as there is less or a stigma attached . But why , I imagine that every adult that is capable of doing so has done so in one shape or form. Men I guess generally tend to be more open about disgussing it but having never been a fly on the wall when a group of women ( I am open to offers ! ) are discussing masturbation I cannot say that with complete knowledge! Generally men are born with all the equipment they need to 'sort themselves out' - If they weren't I just couldn't see men all together at an Ann Summers type party looking at toys etc and discussing them !
Wrote a really long piece about woodstock's blog and Microsoft very (un)reliable IE7 very kindly crashed and lost it all - 20 mins typing gone- urggh! - quick points instead & please don't crash again - bullet points instead this time - 1) have heard many women say same i.e when in relationship they dont need to - don't think its the same for men at all - we still do ( without macks ! ) - its just habit by no means a comment on our partner if we do 2) aged 15 ! scares me as a parent with 2 daughters ! 3) rabbit - sales have increase as women have been emancipated by programs like sex & city & the hard work of Jackie Gold - will sign off publish before it crashes - i need a pint - library about to close